


SKU: 204236

BUY PIC16C711-04/SO
8-Bit CMOS Microcontrollers with A/D Converter
Parameter Description Value
Device Microcontroller PIC16C711-04/SO
Package Surface Mount SOIC (Small Outline Integrated Circuit)
Operating Voltage (Vdd) Supply Voltage Range 2.0V to 5.5V
Clock Speed Maximum Clock Frequency 4 MHz
Flash Memory Program Memory Size 1K x 14 bits
RAM Data Memory Size 64 x 8 bits
EEPROM EEPROM Memory Size 64 x 8 bits
I/O Pins Number of I/O Pins 13
Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) Number of ADC Channels 5
Comparator Number of Comparators 2
Timers Number of Timers 2 (8-bit Timer/Counter 0, 16-bit Timer/Counter 1)
Interrupts Number of Interrupt Sources 11
Watchdog Timer (WDT) Watchdog Timer Yes
Brown-out Reset (BOR) Brown-out Reset Yes
Power Consumption Active Mode (fosc = 4 MHz, Vdd = 5V) 2 mA
Power Consumption Sleep Mode (Vdd = 5V) 1 μA
Temperature Range Operating Temperature -40°C to +85°C
Programming Method In-Circuit Serial Programming (ICSP) Yes

Instructions for Use

  1. Power Supply:

    • Connect the Vdd pin to the positive supply voltage (2.0V to 5.5V).
    • Connect the Vss pin to ground.
  2. Clock Configuration:

    • The device can be configured to use an external clock or an internal oscillator.
    • For an external clock, connect the clock signal to the OSC1/CLKIN pin.
    • For an internal oscillator, configure the configuration bits accordingly.
  3. Reset:

    • The MCLR pin can be used for a master reset. It should be pulled high for normal operation.
    • A low level on the MCLR pin will reset the microcontroller.
  4. Programming:

    • Use an ICSP programmer to program the device in-circuit.
    • Connect the PGD (Data) and PGC (Clock) pins to the programmer.
  5. I/O Configuration:

    • Configure the I/O pins as inputs or outputs using the TRIS registers.
    • Set the direction of each pin by writing to the TRIS register (1 for input, 0 for output).
  6. ADC Configuration:

    • Enable the ADC module and select the desired channel using the ADCON0 and ADCON1 registers.
    • Start a conversion by setting the GO/DONE bit in the ADCON0 register.
  7. Timer Configuration:

    • Configure the timers using the T0CON and T1CON registers.
    • Set the prescaler and enable the timer by setting the appropriate bits.
  8. Interrupts:

    • Enable global interrupts by setting the GIE bit in the INTCON register.
    • Enable specific interrupt sources by setting the corresponding bits in the INTCON and PIE1 registers.
  9. Watchdog Timer:

    • Enable the WDT by setting the WDTE bit in the configuration word.
    • Clear the WDT periodically to prevent a reset.
  10. Brown-out Reset:

    • Enable BOR by setting the BOREN bit in the configuration word.
    • The microcontroller will reset if the supply voltage drops below the brown-out threshold.
  11. Sleep Mode:

    • Enter sleep mode by executing the SLEEP instruction.
    • The device will wake up from sleep mode on an interrupt or a reset.


  • Always refer to the datasheet for detailed information and specific application notes.
  • Ensure proper decoupling capacitors are placed close to the Vdd and Vss pins to stabilize the power supply.
(For reference only)

 Inquiry - PIC16C711-04/SO