


SKU: 1099482

Variable Resolution, Monolithic Resolver-to-Digital Converters
Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
Supply Voltage VDD 4.75 5.0 5.25 V
Supply Current IDD 30 mA
Operating Temperature Toper -40 +85 °C
Storage Temperature Tstg -65 +150 °C
Input Frequency Range fin 0 200 kHz
Resolution 10 16 bits
Conversion Time tconv 16-bit 31.25 μs
Differential Nonlinearity DNL 16-bit -1 0 +1 LSB
Integral Nonlinearity INL 16-bit -5 0 +5 LSB
Sine/Cosine Input Range Vin 0.5 1.0 1.5 Vpp
Phase Error θerr 16-bit ±0.01 °
Output Data Rate fODR 0 200 kSPS

Instructions for Use

  1. Power Supply:

    • Ensure the supply voltage (VDD) is within the range of 4.75V to 5.25V.
    • The typical supply current (IDD) is 30mA.
  2. Temperature Considerations:

    • The operating temperature (Toper) should be between -40°C and +85°C.
    • The storage temperature (Tstg) should be between -65°C and +150°C.
  3. Input Signal:

    • The input frequency range (fin) should be between 0kHz and 200kHz.
    • The sine/cosine input range (Vin) should be between 0.5Vpp and 1.5Vpp.
  4. Resolution and Conversion Time:

    • The resolution can be set between 10 bits and 16 bits.
    • For 16-bit resolution, the typical conversion time (tconv) is 31.25μs.
  5. Linearity:

    • The differential nonlinearity (DNL) for 16-bit resolution is ±1LSB.
    • The integral nonlinearity (INL) for 16-bit resolution is ±5LSB.
  6. Phase Error:

    • The phase error (θerr) for 16-bit resolution is ±0.01°.
  7. Output Data Rate:

    • The output data rate (fODR) can be set between 0kSPS and 200kSPS.
  8. General Usage:

    • Connect the sine and cosine inputs to the appropriate pins.
    • Configure the resolution and output data rate as needed.
    • Ensure proper grounding and decoupling capacitors to minimize noise and improve performance.

For detailed application notes and further information, refer to the AD2S81AJD datasheet and application notes provided by Analog Devices.

(For reference only)

 Inquiry - AD2S81AJD