SKU: 1536026
4-Bit Microcontroller
Parameter | Symbol | Conditions | Min | Typ | Max | Unit |
Supply Voltage | Vcc | Operating | 4.5 | 5 | 5.5 | V |
Operating Temperature | Ta | -20 | 70 | °C | ||
Character Dot Size | 5x8 | dots | ||||
Display Capacity | 40 | chars | ||||
Line Number | 2 | lines | ||||
Character Font | 5x8 | dots | ||||
Driver Output Level | Vo | Vih = 2.0V, Vil = 0.8V | 2.4 | 4.5 | 5.0 | V |
Power Consumption | Icc | Vcc = 5V, no load | 0.3 | mA | ||
Contrast Adjustment | V0 | 0 | 5 | V |
Instructions for HD404222S
Power Supply:
- Connect the Vcc pin to a 4.5V to 5.5V power supply.
- Ground the GND pin.
Contrast Adjustment:
- Adjust the contrast using the V0 pin. A potentiometer can be used to vary the voltage between 0V and 5V.
Data Communication:
- Use the standard 4-bit or 8-bit data interface for communication.
- Set the RS (Register Select) pin to high (1) for data and low (0) for commands.
- Set the RW (Read/Write) pin to low (0) for writing and high (1) for reading.
- Use the E (Enable) pin to trigger data transfer.
- Power on the module and wait for at least 15ms before sending any commands.
- Send the function set command (0x38 for 8-bit mode, 0x28 for 4-bit mode).
- Send the display on/off control command (0x0C to turn on display, cursor off, blink off).
- Send the entry mode set command (0x06 for increment mode, no shift).
Display Control:
- Use the display on/off control command (0x08 to turn off display, 0x0C to turn on display).
- Use the cursor or display shift command (0x10 to shift display left, 0x14 to shift display right, 0x18 to move cursor left, 0x1C to move cursor right).
Clearing the Display:
- Send the clear display command (0x01). This will clear the display and return the cursor to the home position.
Cursor Home:
- Send the return home command (0x02). This will return the cursor to the home position without clearing the display.
Writing Characters:
- Set the RS pin to high (1).
- Set the RW pin to low (0).
- Send the ASCII value of the character to be displayed.
- Toggle the E pin to latch the data.
Reading Status:
- Set the RS pin to low (0).
- Set the RW pin to high (1).
- Toggle the E pin to read the status register.
Custom Characters:
- Define custom characters by writing to the CGRAM (Character Generator RAM).
- Use the set CGRAM address command (0x40 + address) to set the CGRAM address.
- Write the custom character data to the CGRAM.
- Use the custom character by sending its index as a data command.
- Ensure that the communication timing is adhered to for reliable operation.
- The HD404222S supports both 4-bit and 8-bit data modes, but 4-bit mode is recommended for reduced pin usage.
- Always refer to the datasheet for detailed timing diagrams and additional information.
Inquiry - HD404222S