


SKU: 1700506

BUY F82C735
Peripheral IC
Parameter Description Value
Part Number Device Identifier F82C735
Type Device Type Microcontroller
Package Package Type QFN-48
Operating Voltage Supply Voltage Range 2.7V to 5.5V
Clock Frequency Maximum Clock Frequency 24 MHz
Flash Memory Program Memory Size 64 KB
RAM Data Memory Size 4 KB
EEPROM Non-Volatile Data Storage 256 Bytes
I/O Pins General Purpose Input/Output Pins 36
ADC Channels Analog-to-Digital Converter Channels 10-bit, 8 channels
Timers Timers/Counters 3
Communication Interfaces Supported Communication Protocols UART, SPI, I2C
Operating Temperature Temperature Range for Operation -40°C to 85°C
Power Consumption Typical Power Consumption at 3.3V, 24 MHz 10 mA
Low-Power Mode Low-Power Modes Available Sleep, Idle, Power Down
Programming Interface Method for Programming the Device In-System Programming (ISP)
Reset Reset Mechanisms Power-on Reset, Brown-out Detect, External Reset Pin
Watchdog Timer Watchdog Timer Availability Yes

Instructions for Use

  1. Power Supply:

    • Ensure the supply voltage is within the specified range (2.7V to 5.5V).
    • Connect the VCC pin to the power supply and GND pin to ground.
  2. Clock Configuration:

    • The device supports both internal and external clock sources.
    • For an external clock, connect the oscillator to the appropriate pins (XTAL1 and XTAL2).
  3. Programming:

    • Use the ISP interface to program the microcontroller.
    • Connect the programming tool to the ISP pins (MISO, MOSI, SCK, RESET).
  4. I/O Configuration:

    • Configure the I/O pins as inputs or outputs using the appropriate register settings.
    • Use the built-in pull-up resistors if needed.
  5. ADC Usage:

    • Initialize the ADC module and select the channel to be read.
    • Start the conversion and read the result from the ADC data register.
  6. Timers and Counters:

    • Set up the timer/counter modules by configuring the prescaler and mode registers.
    • Enable interrupts if required for timer events.
  7. Communication Interfaces:

    • Initialize the communication interfaces (UART, SPI, I2C) by setting up the control registers.
    • Use the appropriate functions to transmit and receive data.
  8. Low-Power Modes:

    • Enter low-power modes by setting the appropriate bits in the power control register.
    • Use the watchdog timer to wake up from low-power modes if necessary.
  9. Reset:

    • The device can be reset using the external reset pin, power-on reset, or brown-out detect.
    • Ensure the reset pin is pulled high during normal operation.
  10. Watchdog Timer:

    • Enable the watchdog timer to prevent the device from getting stuck in an infinite loop.
    • Periodically clear the watchdog timer to prevent a reset.

For detailed register maps and specific configuration examples, refer to the datasheet provided by the manufacturer.

(For reference only)

 Inquiry - F82C735