


SKU: 1866117

Parameter Description Value
Device Microcontroller MC68HC912B32CFUE8
Package Package Type 80-Pin QFP (Quad Flat Package)
Operating Voltage (Vcc) Supply Voltage Range 5.0 V ± 10%
Operating Temperature Temperature Range -40°C to +85°C
Clock Frequency Maximum Clock Speed 16 MHz
Flash Memory Program Memory Size 32 KB
RAM Data Memory Size 1 KB
EEPROM Non-Volatile Data Memory 512 Bytes
Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) Number of Channels 8 channels, 10-bit resolution
Digital I/O Ports Number of I/O Pins 57
Timers Number of Timers 4 (2 x 8-bit, 2 x 16-bit)
Serial Communication Interfaces (SCI) Number of SCI Modules 2
Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Number of SPI Modules 1
I2C Interface Number of I2C Modules 1
Interrupts Number of Interrupt Sources 32
Watchdog Timer Watchdog Timer Yes
Low Power Modes Low Power Modes Idle, Wait, Stop
Power Consumption Active Mode (典型值) 10 mA at 16 MHz, 5.0 V
Power Consumption Stop Mode (典型值) 1 μA at 5.0 V

Instructions for Use

  1. Power Supply:

    • Ensure the supply voltage (Vcc) is within the specified range of 5.0 V ± 10%.
    • Connect a decoupling capacitor (typically 0.1 μF) close to the Vcc pin to stabilize the power supply.
  2. Clock Configuration:

    • The microcontroller supports both internal and external clock sources. For external crystal, connect the crystal between the XTAL1 and XTAL2 pins.
    • Configure the clock source using the appropriate register settings in your initialization code.
  3. Programming:

    • Use a compatible programmer to load the program into the flash memory.
    • Ensure the programming voltage (Vpp) is applied correctly if required by the programmer.
  4. I/O Configuration:

    • Set the direction of I/O pins using the Data Direction Register (DDR).
    • Configure the pull-up resistors and other I/O settings as needed.
  5. Interrupts:

    • Enable and configure interrupts using the Interrupt Vector Table (IVT) and the appropriate control registers.
    • Write interrupt service routines (ISRs) to handle specific interrupt events.
  6. Low Power Modes:

    • Enter low power modes using the appropriate control registers.
    • Ensure that the necessary wake-up sources are configured before entering a low power mode.
  7. Communication Interfaces:

    • Initialize the SCI, SPI, and I2C modules using the respective control registers.
    • Configure baud rates, data formats, and other parameters as required for communication.
  8. Watchdog Timer:

    • Enable the watchdog timer if needed for system reliability.
    • Service the watchdog timer periodically to prevent a reset.
  9. Analog-to-Digital Conversion:

    • Configure the ADC module using the control registers.
    • Select the input channel and start the conversion process.
    • Read the conversion results from the appropriate data register.
  10. Debugging:

    • Use the on-chip debugging features, if available, to monitor and control the microcontroller during development.
    • Connect a debugger or emulator to the debug interface pins for real-time monitoring and code execution control.

For detailed information, refer to the MC68HC912B32CFUE8 datasheet and application notes provided by the manufacturer.

(For reference only)

 Inquiry - MC68HC912B32CFUE8