


SKU: 6500589

Cost-Effective A/D Type 8-Bit Mask MCU
Parameter Symbol Min Typical Max Unit Notes
Supply Voltage VDD 2.0 3.3 5.5 V Operating range for the microcontroller.
Operating Frequency fOSC - 16 20 MHz Maximum operating frequency.
Flash Memory Size - - 4K - bytes Total program memory available.
RAM Size - - 256 - bytes General-purpose data memory.
EEPROM Size - - 128 - bytes Non-volatile data storage.
I/O Ports - - 22 - pins Number of programmable I/O pins.
ADC Resolution - - 10-bit - bits Analog-to-Digital Converter resolution.
ADC Channels - - 8 - channels Number of analog input channels.
Timer/Counter Modules - - 3 - modules Number of timer/counter modules.
UART Modules - - 1 - module Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter.
SPI Modules - - 1 - module Serial Peripheral Interface.
I2C Modules - - 1 - module Inter-Integrated Circuit.
Watchdog Timer - - 1 - module On-chip watchdog timer for system reliability.
Power Consumption - - 1.5 3.0 mA (active) Typical power consumption in active mode at 3.3V, 16MHz.
Sleep Current - - 1.0 2.0 μA Typical power consumption in sleep mode.
Package Type - - QFN32 - package Quad Flat No-lead package with 32 pins.


  1. Power Supply:

    • Ensure the supply voltage (VDD) is within the specified range (2.0V to 5.5V).
    • Use a stable power source to avoid voltage fluctuations.
  2. Clock Configuration:

    • The HT46C47 supports an external crystal or ceramic resonator up to 20MHz.
    • For accurate timing, use a high-quality crystal oscillator.
  3. Program Memory:

    • The 4KB flash memory can be programmed using an in-circuit serial programming (ICSP) interface.
    • Use appropriate programming tools and software to upload code.
  4. Data Memory:

    • The 256-byte RAM is used for storing variables and temporary data during program execution.
    • The 128-byte EEPROM can be used for non-volatile data storage, such as configuration settings.
  5. I/O Pins:

    • Configure the 22 I/O pins as inputs or outputs based on your application needs.
    • Use internal pull-up resistors for input pins when necessary.
  6. Analog-to-Digital Conversion:

    • The 10-bit ADC can measure up to 8 analog input channels.
    • Configure the ADC channels and start conversions using the appropriate registers.
  7. Timer/Counters:

    • Use the three timer/counter modules for generating delays, measuring time intervals, or counting events.
    • Configure the prescaler and mode of operation for each timer/counter.
  8. Communication Interfaces:

    • The UART, SPI, and I2C modules allow communication with other devices.
    • Configure the baud rate, data format, and other parameters as needed.
  9. Watchdog Timer:

    • Enable the watchdog timer to reset the microcontroller if it hangs or malfunctions.
    • Set the timeout period according to your application requirements.
  10. Power Management:

    • Use sleep modes to reduce power consumption when the microcontroller is idle.
    • Wake up the microcontroller using interrupts or external triggers.
  11. Package Handling:

    • Handle the QFN32 package with care to avoid damage to the pins.
    • Follow proper soldering techniques to ensure reliable connections.

For detailed register configurations and advanced features, refer to the HT46C47 datasheet and application notes provided by the manufacturer.

(For reference only)

 Inquiry - HT46C47