


SKU: 8384059


Parameter Description Value
Supply Voltage (Vss) Operating voltage for the logic side 5 V
Motor Supply Voltage Operating voltage for the motor side 5 V to 35 V
Continuous Current Maximum continuous current per channel 2 A
Peak Current Peak current per channel 3 A (short pulses)
Operating Temperature Temperature range for operation -25°C to +130°C
Output Configuration Type of output stage Totem-pole
Logic Input Levels Logic levels for input signals TTL/CMOS compatible
Enable Inputs Control the enable state of the outputs High: Enabled, Low: Disabled
Protection Features Built-in protection features Thermal shutdown, Overcurrent protection
Package Type Physical package type 15-lead Multiwatt

Instructions for Using L298N

  1. Power Supply Connection:

    • Connect the logic supply voltage (5 V) to the Vss pin.
    • Connect the motor supply voltage (5 V to 35 V) to the Vs pin.
    • Ensure that both power supplies are properly decoupled with capacitors to reduce noise.
  2. Motor Connections:

    • Connect the motor leads to the output pins Out1, Out2, Out3, and Out4.
    • Each pair of output pins (Out1 and Out2, Out3 and Out4) can drive one motor.
  3. Logic Input Connections:

    • Connect the logic inputs IN1, IN2, IN3, and IN4 to your microcontroller or control circuit.
    • Use these inputs to control the direction of the motors:
      • IN1 and IN2 control the first motor.
      • IN3 and IN4 control the second motor.
    • Set the inputs as follows:
      • Forward: IN1 = High, IN2 = Low (or vice versa for the second motor)
      • Reverse: IN1 = Low, IN2 = High (or vice versa for the second motor)
  4. Enable Inputs:

    • Connect the enable inputs ENA and ENB to control the enable state of the outputs.
    • Set ENA and ENB to high to enable the respective channels.
    • Set ENA and ENB to low to disable the respective channels.
  5. Thermal Considerations:

    • Ensure proper heat dissipation by mounting the L298N on a heatsink if driving high currents.
    • Monitor the temperature to avoid overheating, which can trigger thermal shutdown.
  6. Overcurrent Protection:

    • The L298N has built-in overcurrent protection, but it is advisable to use external fuses or current-limiting resistors for additional safety.
  7. Testing:

    • Before connecting the motors, test the L298N with a simple load (e.g., a resistor) to ensure correct operation.
    • Verify the logic inputs and enable states using a multimeter or oscilloscope.

By following these instructions, you can effectively use the L298N to control DC motors or stepper motors in your projects.

(For reference only)

 Inquiry - L298N