SKU: 8656759
Parameter | Description | Value |
Package Type | Package style | PDIP-40 |
Pin Count | Number of pins | 40 |
Operating Voltage (Vcc) | Supply voltage range | 2.7V to 5.5V |
Operating Temperature | Operating temperature range | -40°C to 85°C |
Clock Speed | Maximum clock frequency | 16 MHz |
Flash Memory | Program memory size | 32 KB |
EEPROM | EEPROM size | 1 KB |
SRAM | SRAM size | 2 KB |
I/O Pins | Number of I/O pins | 32 |
ADC Channels | Number of analog-to-digital converter channels | 8 |
ADC Resolution | Analog-to-digital converter resolution | 10-bit |
Timers/Counters | Number of timers/counters | 2 x 8-bit, 1 x 16-bit |
Serial Communication | Serial communication interfaces | SPI, UART, I2C |
Watchdog Timer | Watchdog timer available | Yes |
Power Consumption | Typical power consumption at 3.0V, 1 MHz | 1.9 mA |
Programming Interface | In-circuit programming interface | ISP (In-System Programming) |
Package Dimensions | Dimensions of the package | 600 mils (15.24 mm) wide, 600 mils (15.24 mm) long |
Weight | Weight of the package | 0.3 g |
Instructions for Using ATMEGA32A-PU
Power Supply:
- Connect Vcc (pin 10) to the positive supply voltage (2.7V to 5.5V).
- Connect GND (pin 11) to the ground.
Clock Configuration:
- For external crystal oscillator, connect the crystal between XTAL1 (pin 9) and XTAL2 (pin 10).
- For internal RC oscillator, configure the fuse bits to select the internal oscillator.
Reset Pin:
- Connect a pull-up resistor (10kΩ) from RESET (pin 1) to Vcc.
- Optionally, add a capacitor (10nF) from RESET to GND for noise filtering.
- Use an ISP programmer to program the device.
- Connect the programmer to the ISP header (MISO, MOSI, SCK, RESET, Vcc, GND).
I/O Configuration:
- Configure the direction of I/O pins using the DDRx registers.
- Set the state of output pins using the PORTx registers.
- Read the state of input pins using the PINx registers.
Analog-to-Digital Conversion:
- Enable the ADC by setting the appropriate bits in the ADCSRA register.
- Select the channel to be converted using the ADMUX register.
- Start the conversion by setting the ADSC bit in the ADCSRA register.
Timer/Counter Configuration:
- Configure the prescaler and mode of operation using the TCCRnx registers.
- Set the initial value of the counter using the TCNTnx registers.
- Enable interrupts if required using the TIMSK register.
Serial Communication:
- For UART, configure the baud rate using the UBRRH and UBRRL registers.
- Enable the transmitter and receiver using the UCSRB register.
- For SPI, configure the master/slave mode using the SPCR register.
- For I2C, configure the TWI clock speed using the TWBR register.
Watchdog Timer:
- Enable the watchdog timer by setting the WDE bit in the WDTCSR register.
- Set the timeout period using the WDP bits in the WDTCSR register.
Power Management:
- Use sleep modes to reduce power consumption by setting the SM bits in the MCUCR register.
- Wake up from sleep modes using external interrupts or the watchdog timer.
** Fuse Bits:**
- Program the fuse bits to configure the device settings such as clock source, reset behavior, and brown-out detection.
For detailed information, refer to the ATMEGA32A-PU datasheet available on the Microchip website.
(For reference only)Inquiry - MICROCHIP TECH ATMEGA32A-PU