SKU: 9784099
PIC12F1571-I/SN is a 8-pin Flash-based 8-bit CMOS microcontroller from Microchip. It is a member of the PIC12F family of microcontrollers and is designed for low-power, low-cost applications. Description: The PIC12F1571-I/SN is a low-power, 8-bit CMOS microcontroller with Flash program memory, 8-bit A/D converter, and 8-bit timer/counter. It has an 8-bit wide data bus, a 16-bit wide program memory, and a 16-bit wide instruction set. It also has an 8-bit wide stack pointer, a 16-bit wide program counter, and an 8-bit wide status register. The PIC12F1571-I/SN also has an 8-bit wide program status word, an 8-bit wide program status byte, and an 8-bit wide program status byte. Features: 8-bit wide data bus 16-bit wide program memory 16-bit wide instruction set 8-bit wide stack pointer 16-bit wide program counter 8-bit wide status register 8-bit wide program status word 8-bit wide program status byte 8-bit wide program status byte 8-bit A/D converter 8-bit timer/counter Low-power, low-cost applications Applications: The PIC12F1571-I/SN is suitable for a wide range of applications, including automotive, consumer, industrial, and medical. It can be used for motor control, power management, data acquisition, and signal processing. It is also suitable for use in embedded systems, such as home automation, security systems, and remote control. (For reference only)
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