


SKU: 11256552

BUY IDT71024S15Y
original binding quality products
Parameter Description Value
Part Number Part number IDT71024S15Y
Function 24-bit FIFO (First-In, First-Out) Memory
Organization Organization 256K x 24
Supply Voltage (VCC) Operating supply voltage 3.3V
Operating Temperature Operating temperature range -40°C to +85°C
Data Rate Maximum data rate 100 MHz
Access Time Access time 10 ns
Power Consumption Active power consumption 150 mW (typical)
Package Type Package type TQFP-44
Pin Count Number of pins 44
Write Cycle Time Write cycle time 10 ns (typical)
Read Cycle Time Read cycle time 10 ns (typical)
Flag Outputs Flag outputs for status monitoring Full, Empty, Almost Full, Almost Empty
Clock Inputs Clock inputs for read and write operations Separate clocks
Reset Input Asynchronous reset input Active Low
Output Enable Output enable control Active Low

Instructions for Use:

  1. Power Supply:

    • Connect VCC to a stable 3.3V power supply.
    • Ensure proper decoupling capacitors are placed close to the power pins to minimize noise.
  2. Clocking:

    • Apply separate clock signals to the write (WRCLK) and read (RDCLK) inputs.
    • Ensure the clock signals are clean and stable to avoid timing issues.
  3. Data Input/Output:

    • Data is written to the FIFO on the rising edge of WRCLK when the write enable (WRE) is active.
    • Data is read from the FIFO on the rising edge of RDCLK when the read enable (RDE) is active.
  4. Control Signals:

    • WRE (Write Enable): Active low. When low, data is written to the FIFO.
    • RDE (Read Enable): Active low. When low, data is read from the FIFO.
    • RESET: Active low. When low, the FIFO is reset, clearing all data and setting the flags to their initial states.
  5. Status Flags:

    • FULL: Asserted when the FIFO is full.
    • EMPTY: Asserted when the FIFO is empty.
    • ALMOST FULL: Asserted when the FIFO is almost full (typically 8 words from full).
    • ALMOST EMPTY: Asserted when the FIFO is almost empty (typically 8 words from empty).
  6. Output Enable:

    • OE (Output Enable): Active low. When low, the output data is enabled and can be read from the FIFO.
  7. Initialization:

    • After power-up, assert the RESET signal to initialize the FIFO.
    • Release the RESET signal after a short delay to ensure proper initialization.
  8. Data Integrity:

    • Monitor the status flags to prevent overwriting or underflow conditions.
    • Use the ALMOST FULL and ALMOST EMPTY flags to manage data flow efficiently.
  9. Storage and Handling:

    • Store the device in a dry, static-free environment.
    • Handle with care to avoid damage to the pins and package.

For detailed specifications and additional information, refer to the datasheet provided by the manufacturer.

(For reference only)

 Inquiry - IDT71024S15Y