


SKU: 11613656

Parameter Description Value
Package Type The type of package used for the IC SSOP-20
Operating Voltage (Vdd) Range of supply voltage 2.0V to 5.5V
Operating Temperature Range of operating temperature -40°C to +85°C
Flash Program Memory (KB) Size of flash program memory 8 KB
EEPROM Data Memory (Bytes) Size of EEPROM data memory 256 Bytes
RAM (Bytes) Size of RAM 368 Bytes
Clock Speed (MHz) Maximum clock speed 20 MHz
I/O Pins Number of I/O pins 17
Timers Number of timers 3 (TMR0, TMR1, TMR2)
Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) Number of ADC channels 10-bit, up to 13 channels
Comparator Number of comparators 2
USART Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter 1
MCLRE Master Clear Enable Configurable
Brown-out Reset (BOR) Brown-out reset functionality Configurable
Watchdog Timer (WDT) Watchdog timer functionality Configurable
Internal Oscillator Internal oscillator frequency options 31 kHz to 8 MHz
Low-Voltage Programming (LVP) Low-voltage programming capability Supported
Power Consumption ( typical @ 3V, 4 MHz) Typical power consumption 2 mA
Power-down Current (typical @ 3V) Power-down current 0.1 μA

Instructions for Using PIC16F689T-I/SS

  1. Power Supply:

    • Connect Vdd (pin 20) to the positive supply voltage (2.0V to 5.5V).
    • Connect Vss (pin 10) to ground.
  2. Oscillator Configuration:

    • Use the OSCCON register to configure the internal oscillator.
    • For external oscillators, connect the appropriate crystal or resonator to the OSC1 (pin 1) and OSC2 (pin 2) pins.
  3. Reset Pin (MCLR):

    • Connect MCLR (pin 19) to Vdd through a pull-up resistor (e.g., 10kΩ).
    • Optionally, use a push-button switch to ground for manual reset.
  4. Programming:

    • Use an in-circuit programmer (ICP) or an external programmer compatible with the PIC16F689.
    • Ensure the programming voltage (Vpp) is applied to the MCLR pin during programming.
  5. I/O Configuration:

    • Configure I/O pins using the TRIS registers (TRISA, TRISC).
    • Set the direction of each pin (input or output) by writing to the TRIS registers.
  6. Timer Configuration:

    • Use the T0CON, T1CON, and T2CON registers to configure the timers.
    • Set the prescaler and mode for each timer as needed.
  7. ADC Configuration:

    • Use the ADCON0 and ADCON1 registers to configure the ADC.
    • Select the input channel and start the conversion by setting the appropriate bits.
  8. Comparator Configuration:

    • Use the CMCON register to configure the comparators.
    • Set the input and output configurations for each comparator.
  9. USART Configuration:

    • Use the BAUDCON, TXSTA, and RCSTA registers to configure the USART.
    • Set the baud rate, transmission mode, and receive mode.
  10. Brown-out Reset (BOR):

    • Configure the BOR settings in the configuration bits.
    • Enable or disable BOR based on the application requirements.
  11. Watchdog Timer (WDT):

    • Use the WDTCON register to configure the watchdog timer.
    • Enable or disable the WDT and set the timeout period.
  12. Low-Voltage Programming (LVP):

    • Configure LVP in the configuration bits.
    • Enable or disable LVP based on the programming method and application requirements.
  13. Power Management:

    • Use the SLEEP instruction to enter low-power sleep mode.
    • Wake up from sleep mode using interrupts or external signals.
  14. Interrupts:

    • Use the INTCON register to enable and manage interrupts.
    • Configure individual interrupt sources and their priorities.
  15. EEPROM Data Memory:

    • Use the EECON1 and EECON2 registers to read from and write to EEPROM.
    • Follow the specific sequence for EEPROM operations to ensure data integrity.

By following these instructions, you can effectively use the PIC16F689T-I/SS microcontroller in your projects.

(For reference only)

 Inquiry - PIC16F689T-I/SS