SKU: 11731742
Parameter | Description | Value |
Device | Microcontroller | PIC18F452T-I/PT |
Package | Type | 40-Pin PDIP (Plastic Dual In-Line Package) |
Operating Voltage (Vdd) | Supply Voltage Range | 2.0V to 5.5V |
Operating Temperature | Industrial Range | -40°C to +85°C |
Clock Frequency | Maximum Clock Speed | 40 MHz (with 10 MHz external crystal) |
Program Memory | Type | Flash |
Program Memory Size | Total Program Memory | 32K bytes (16K words) |
Data Memory | Type | SRAM |
Data Memory Size | Total Data Memory | 1536 bytes (768 x 16-bit words) |
EEPROM | On-chip EEPROM | 256 bytes |
Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) | Number of Channels | 10 channels |
ADC Resolution | Resolution | 10 bits |
Digital I/O Pins | Total I/O Pins | 33 |
Timers | Number of Timers | 3 (Timer0, Timer1, Timer2) |
Comparator | Number of Comparators | 2 |
Capture/Compare/PWM Modules | Number of Modules | 3 |
USART | Number of Modules | 1 |
SPI | Number of Modules | 1 |
I2C | Number of Modules | 1 |
Interrupts | Number of Interrupt Sources | 20 |
Watchdog Timer (WDT) | Available | Yes |
Brown-out Reset (BOR) | Available | Yes |
Low-Voltage Programming (LVP) | Available | Yes |
Power Consumption | Active Mode (3.0V, 4 MHz) | 2 mA |
Power Consumption | Sleep Mode (3.0V) | 0.6 μA |
Programming Interface | In-Circuit Serial Programming (ICSP) | Yes |
Programming Voltage | High-Voltage Programming | 12.0V to 13.5V |
Low-Voltage Programming Voltage | Low-Voltage Programming | 3.0V to 5.5V |
Instructions for Use:
Power Supply:
- Connect Vdd (pin 40) to the positive supply voltage (2.0V to 5.5V).
- Connect Vss (pin 20) to ground.
Oscillator Configuration:
- For an external crystal oscillator, connect the crystal between OSC1 (pin 13) and OSC2 (pin 14).
- For an internal oscillator, configure the configuration bits to select the desired internal clock source.
- Use the ICSP interface (MCLR, PGD, PGC pins) for in-circuit serial programming.
- Ensure the MCLR pin is connected to a high-voltage programmer for high-voltage programming or to a low-voltage programmer for low-voltage programming.
- The MCLR pin can be used as a reset input. Pull it low to reset the microcontroller.
- Enable the Brown-out Reset (BOR) feature in the configuration bits to protect against low-voltage conditions.
Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC):
- Configure the ADC module using the ADCON0, ADCON1, and ADCON2 registers.
- Select the appropriate analog input channel and start the conversion.
- Configure the timers (Timer0, Timer1, Timer2) using the respective control registers (T0CON, T1CON, T2CON).
- Set the prescaler and enable interrupts if needed.
- Enable global interrupts by setting the GIE bit in the INTCON register.
- Enable specific interrupt sources by setting the corresponding bits in the PIE1 and PIE2 registers.
Serial Communication:
- Configure the USART module for serial communication using the BAUDCON, TXSTA, and RCSTA registers.
- Use the SPI and I2C modules for serial peripheral interfaces by configuring the SSPCON and SSPSTAT registers.
Power Management:
- Use the SLEEP instruction to enter sleep mode and reduce power consumption.
- Wake up from sleep mode using an interrupt or a reset.
Watchdog Timer (WDT):
- Enable the WDT in the configuration bits to prevent the microcontroller from getting stuck in an infinite loop.
- Clear the WDT periodically to prevent a reset.
For detailed information, refer to the PIC18F452T datasheet and application notes provided by Microchip Technology.
(For reference only)Inquiry - PIC18F452T-I/PT